BSA awards Eagle rank

Aug. 2, 2017

Agustin Gasperin, 18, son of Augustin and Ana Gasperin, of Garland, received the rank of Eagle Scout in a Court of Honor ceremony held Tuesday, July 25. Agustin is a member of BSA Troop 2196, chartered by the Garland 5th Ward, a Spanish speaking unit, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Garland. Approximately 6 percent of young men who begin in Boy Scouts attain the rank of Eagle, making reaching this rank quite an accomplishment.


For his Eagle project Agustin chose to serve those who attend the Ascension Lutheran Church, 4230 W. Buckingham Rd, in Garland. Under the direction of Rev. Dr. Kurt N. Friederich, they put together a plan to enhance some of the church’s landscape.


Agustin described his project this way:


“I restored a garden area at the Church. It had dried up due to the drought we had a few years ago and had been left unattended.  I planted a center rose bush and filled the garden’s four sectors with native plants and flowers to make sure the garden would last, as well as some annuals around the outside. Then the exposed ground was covered with mulch. The benches were restored so congregation members could sit and enjoy the new garden area. “


Bruce Miller Nursery in Richardson donated $150.00 worth of plants while the Lowes, on S. Plano Rd. in Richardson supported the project with discounted merchandise. Agustin, other Troop members, friends from school and his Church congregation and family members provided the man power.eagle


Rev Dr. Friederich shared this about the project that benefited his Church:


“We were surprised by Agustin’s request to do his Eagle Scout Project at Ascension. But his warm smile, solid handshake and politeness easily won us over. The project turned out beautiful and made a sad outside courtyard alive again. We are so thankful for his project.”

Agustin is a 2017 graduate of Richardson High School, where he attended the Robotics and Science Magnets. He is interested in CAD software, machining, and has a passion for electronics and computers.


When asked what traits Scouting has helped him develop over the years Agustin replied, “Coherence, competence, perseverance, patience and persistence.”

Those will serve him well as he begins his studies at Richland Community College this fall and going forward in his life.


This new Eagle Scout encourages all young scouts to finish their merit badges and participate in campouts, as these will help them attain critical skills and provide life lessons that will benefit them in the future.
