Save energy; save money

Jul. 18, 2017

Summer electric bills can be among the highest household expenses but air conditioning is not a luxury in Texas in June, July, August and September. It is a safety necessity as temperatures climb above 100 degrees.


The following tips can increase energy efficiency and decrease cooling bills:


Use ceiling fans or portable fans to help circulate air.

Setting thermostat at 72 degrees in the summer can increase energy use by up to 40 percent. Set at 78 degrees.

Install a programmable thermostat to set temperature higher when no one is at home then program it to reset to a cooler temperature before family members get home.

Keep blinds and curtains closed so less heat will come in.

Be sure fireplace flue is closed.

Repair all areas where heat can enter – around windows and doors, light switches and electrical outlets.

Use a slow cooker or toaster oven instead of oven or stove and use the grill at dinner time when it’s cooler.

Replace old windows for better energy efficiency.

Check air duct system for leaks.

Be sure attic insulation is sufficient.

Clean a/c condenser and evaporator coils before summer. Have trained professionals service inside coils.

Check system filter monthly and replace if needed.

Use solar screens.

If using window unit air conditioners, close off unused room. Do not close off rooms with central air conditioning as it can increase pressure and cause leaks.

Use bushes and trees to shade the house and the a/c unit.

Keep debris and tall grass away from outside unit.

Have system checked by a licensed professional twice a year.

Save money and energy by purchasing efficient a/c and heating equipment when replacing units.


Garland Power & Light offers the following services to help customers save energy and money:


EnergySaver Program offers bill credits to customers who make qualifying energy efficiency upgrades to their homes or businesses.

Energy Depot for Homes and Energy Depot for Business provide tools to help customers lower their energy use.

Free home energy audits for customers to determine ways to improve home’s energy efficiency.


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