Save money on summer cooling bills

Mar. 15, 2015

The energy to operate heating/cooling systems is necessary but expensive. Because the hot Texas summer is fast approaching and approximately half of the energy used in homes goes toward heating and cooling, a few tips for saving energy dollars are listed below:


  • Install a programmable thermostat and set temperature higher during the day when no one is at home and program it to reset to a comfortable temperature before the family returns. The temperature can also be set to increase by a few degrees after everyone has gone to bed.
  • Ceiling fans or portable electric fans circulate air to make a room feel cooler, but remember to turn the fan off when no one is in the room.
  • Check or replace the filter in the heating/cooling system monthly.
  • Have system inspected by a licensed professional twice a year.
  • Replace systems that are more than 10 years old with more energy efficient models and purchase the proper size system for the size of the home.
  • Check for and repair leaks in the air duct system.
  • Close blinds and curtains to help keep inside temperatures lower during the summer.
  • Do not close vents in unused rooms. This could increase pressure and cause leaks in ducts. The opposite is true for homes cooled with window units. Unused rooms should be closed off.
  • Be sure fireplace flue is closed to prevent escape of cool air.
  • Replace old windows with more energy efficient ones.
  • Check attic insulation. More information on appropriate insulation levels is available at
  • Repair air leaks around windows, doors, light switches and electrical outlets.
  • Purchase solar screens or put solar film on windows.
  • Reduce the amount of direct sunlight on the house by planting trees and shrubs.
  • Shade the outside a/c unit using trees or other means.
  • Keep the area around the outside unit free of tall grass, weeds and all other debris.
  • Correctly positioned shade trees significantly reduce indoor temperatures.
  • Clean a/c condenser and evaporator coils before the summer season. Inside coils should be serviced by a trained professional.
  • Use light color paint on outside walls to avoid transferring heat into home. Dark colors absorb more heat.


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