Spring Creek Preserve announces event calendar, Trout Lily walk

Feb. 7, 2018

Feb. 10 – Work session – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – 1787 Holford Road.


Will reduce spread of rough-leaf dogwood and need lots of help. Wear work gloves, long pants and sturdy shoes (no sandals) for protection from poison ivy and thorns. If possible, bring loppers or small tree saws.


Feb. 24 – 25th anniversary of Trout Lily Walk – 10 a.m. to noon – 1770 Holford Road.


Tom Frey, regionally acclaimed naturalist, will share new information about the preserve and its ecology during the stroll through the trees to Trout Lilies, one of the first plants to flower in the spring. The tiny flowers are only in bloom from about the last week in February through the middle of March.


Join the walk any time between 10 a.m. and noon. Volunteers at pavilion will welcome visitors and provide information. Then visitors set out on marked trail to Trout lily field. Frey will be there to visit and answer questions.

Walk continues to next stop where there will be another knowledgeable naturalist. Walkers can spend as much or as little time at each station as they want. Some like to spend time taking photos and discussing the forest. Others like to hear little and move on.


Part of the walk is on concrete and part is on primitive trails. Wear sturdy, closed toed shoes and long pants. Primitive portion is not stroller friendly.


March 6 – Meeting at North Garland Branch Library – 7 p.m.


Dwight Wilson, hunter and tracker, will speak on “Tracks and Signs.” Wilson has a varied background that includes working with the Dallas FBI in forensic tracking.


March 10 – Work session – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – location to be announced.


Wear work gloves, long pants and sturdy shoes (no sandals) for protection from poison ivy and thorns.


April 3 – Meeting at North Garland Branch Library – 7 p.m.


Mike Sills, Texas A&M Forest Service, to speak on “How Trees Benefit Health of People in Urban Areas.”


April 7 – Work session – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – location to be announced.


Wear work gloves, long pants and sturdy shoes (no sandals) for protection from poison ivy and thorns.


May 5 – Work session and “Bring Your Own Picnic” – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – location to be announced.


Wear work gloves, long pants and sturdy shoes (no sandals) for protection from poison ivy and thorns.


General information: Meetings are generally Tuesdays – 7 p.m. – North Garland Library – 3845 North Garland Avenue at Apollo Road. There is no May meeting. Summer break is June – August.


Work session information: Work sessions are generally held the Saturday after each meeting – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Locations vary and are announced by email or on website. Possible locations are 1770 Holford Road, 1787 Holford Road, 4848 North Garland Avenue near Academy Sports or 4695 Ranger Drive near Naaman Forest High School baseball parking area. Summer break is June – August.


Contact information: http://www.springcreekforest.org; Maureen Bly, president – phone: 972-814-0902 or email: mbly08@gmail.com; Garland Parks and Rec Department – 972-205-2750
