Former mayor honored by Boy Scouts

May. 6, 2018

The Duck Creek District recently hosted its Friends of Scouting Breakfast the McDonald Building at Garland’s First Baptist Church.


Several state and local dignitaries attended the event including a representative from the office of State Senator Bob Hall, State Representative Angie Chen Button, Rowlett Mayor Tammy Dana-Bashian, Garland Mayor Douglas Athas, former Garland Mayor Ron Jones and council members from Garland and Rowlett.


The 2018 honoree, Dr. Bob Day, was introduced by Athas, who shared some of the many contributions Day made during his time as mayor as well as his service to the scouting program.


Angie Chen Button said that Day was her mentor and that she was honored to acknowledge his accomplishments.


She joked that soon after Day was elected, he asked her to chair a committee and she was shocked.


“Mayor, you know I didn’t vote for you,” she said.


Day told Chen Button that his job was to pick the best people to do the best work for the people of Garland, not the people who voted for him.


“From then on, I voted for him,” Chen Button said.


She referred to Day as patient, nice and absolutely incredible and presented him a flag that had flown over the Texas capitol.


“Do you know why many think Mayor Bob Day has grand vision,” Chen Button joked. “Because he’s an optometrist and if you don’t have grand vision, he will help you to have grand vision.”


Bob Hall’s representative also presented a gift to Day.


“I’m sure there are a number of people who have done as much or more over the years,” Day said. “But I feel very honored to have been in the position to do this.”


He told a story about his first scout camping trip during which it rained the whole time. They couldn’t cook and all their belongings were soaking wet. When he returned home and his mother asked if he was OK he assured her that he was.


“That was the most wonderful time I’ve had ever had in my life,” he said.


Current scout Grant Swallow shared the positive impact that scouting has had on his life including great experiences, new friends, basic life skills, volunteerism, leadership, camp-outs, archery and more.


Scouting representatives talked about the recent change allowing girls to join the organization. Literature distributed explained that the change has come about for various reasons. Families are busy and need the convenience of their children participating in the same activities. Additionally, a survey showed that 90 percent of parents are interested in a program like Cut Scouts for their daughters and 87 percent are interested in a program like Boy Scouts for their daughters.


According to the same literature, the change allows scouting to be introduced to more families. The first change will be initiated in August 2018 when parents will have the ability to choose participation in Cub Scouts for their sons and daughters. The program for older girls will begin in 2019.
