GHD announces positive WNV mosquitoes

Aug. 3, 2021

The Garland Health Department (GHD) received a report of the laboratory-confirmed presence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in mosquitoes. These collection sites were in the 500 block of West Vista Drive (GA20), 1400 block of East Miller Road (GA05), 4900 block of Gatewood Road (GA25) and the 5600 block of Lyons Road (GA04).

To minimize the risk of human infection, GHD will immediately initiate adulticide spraying throughout the surrounding areas. Spraying will be conducted between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Thus far in 2021, no WNV human cases have been confirmed in the city but the presence of the disease in mosquitoes means that transmission to humans is possible. Therefore, residents are urged to take preventive measures.

Positive 2021 WNV mosquito trap locations:

  • 1600 block of Dent Street (GA15), 7/27/21
  • 500 block of West Vista Drive (GA20), 7/28/21
  • 1400 block of East Miller Road (GA05), 7/28/21
  • 4900 block of Gatewood Road (GA25), 7/28/21
  • 5600 block of Lyons Road (GA04), 7/28/21

GHD is currently trapping at 27 selected locations per week.

Trapping/Spraying map:

View a mosquito trapping and spraying map depicting areas where WNV has been detected and subsequently sprayed.


Mosquito trapping occurs year-round but is increased during late spring and continues until mosquito activity decreases. Activity usually slows down in early fall. The GHD uses sentinel or “fixed” sites for trapping locations instead of changing locations based on complaints. A Center for Disease Control and Prevention study conducted in 2012 recommends that only stationary sites be used in order to have accurate weekly data of mosquito activity. The trapped mosquitoes are sent to the Dallas County Health and Human Services laboratory. There, they are tested for the presence of West Nile Virus and other vector-borne diseases.


Spraying is usually conducted between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. when most residents are inside. The city uses one chemical when spraying for mosquitoes, Envion 30-30 (PDF). This chemical is diluted with water before application and the active ingredient is permethrin. Spraying activity begins once notification of a positive mosquito trap or human case of WNV is received.

When spraying occurs, the city will conduct enhanced spraying, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Enhanced spraying means that an area that requires spraying will be sprayed more than once, hopefully on consecutive nights to reduce adult mosquito populations.

Standing water:

The GHD asks all citizens to eliminate any standing water on their property, such as:

  • birdbaths (clean them twice per week)
  • buckets
  • clogged rain gutters
  • pet water dishes
  • tire piles

Containers that can hold an inch or two of water can breed mosquitoes. Report standing water that you are not able to eliminate yourself to the GHD. For questions or to report dead birds or standing water, call the GHD Mosquito Hotline at 972-205-3720. In addition, you can make a report through the Garland eAssist app.

Personal protection:

Use the 4 “D”s to reduce exposure to mosquitoes:

  • DEET All Day, Every Day: Use insect repellents that contain the active ingredient DEET or other EPA-registered repellents and follow label instructions when outdoors.
  • Dress: Wear long, loose and light-colored clothing outside.
  • Drain: Drain or treat all standing water in and around your home or workplace where mosquitoes could lay eggs.
  • All Day Long: Limit outdoor activities all day long, as mosquitoes can bite any time of the day.

Information provided by city of Garland.
