GISD board honors departing member, swears in new trustee

Jun. 6, 2018

Rick Lambert, departing Place 7 member of the Garland ISD board of trustees, was honored by fellow trustees at the May 22 meeting. All praised his dedication and hard work.


Board members Jamie Miller and Larry Glick expressed gratitude to Lambert for keeping board members updated on education-related legislative activity and Miller praised Lambert’s leadership qualities.


“If you’re ever going to be a part of something, lead it, don’t just be a member in the background. Step up to the front,” Miller said. “That’s one of the things Rick has been great at doing.”


Board member Linda Griffin agreed with Miller.


“You stepped up and you were our representative and when many of us were not there on those nights…you were there and we appreciate you representing us,” she said. “I will miss your involvement and your active voice.”


Griffin also praised Lambert’s preparedness saying that the kept the rest of the trustees “on their toes.”


Board member Johnny Beach told Lambert that he appreciated his work on the board as well as his leadership.


“You did help to provide an exceptional education for students in GISD and don’t ever think that you didn’t,” Beach said.


Board members Jed Reed and Robert Selders, Jr. echoed appreciation for Lambert’s service and wisdom and wished Lambert the best in future endeavors.


Selders said that Lambert, along with Griffin and Glick, had helped guide him through some interesting waters when he joined the board.


Lambert expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve.


“It has been my honor to have been given the opportunity by our communities to serve. I’ve learned from students in this district. I’ve learned from the faculty. I’ve learned from administrators and I’ve learned from fellow board members,” Lambert said. “I’m a better person today than I was six years ago and I can stand here and proudly say that I love this school district more today than I did six years ago.”


Selders, unopposed Place 6 incumbent was sworn in and unopposed candidate Wesley Johnson was sworn in to Place 7.

