GISD celebrates music program

Apr. 27, 2015

Proving the excellent Fine Arts education offered in Garland ISD, the district earned its sixth Best Communities for Music Education title at the end of March. The National Association of Music Merchants  Foundation awarded GISD and 387 others with this distinction.

“We are incredibly honored to continually receive this recognition,” said George Jones, director of Fine Arts. “It not only speaks to the talent of our students and staff, but also to the importance our district places on music education.”

According to the NAMM Foundation, more than 2,000 schools and districts applied for a 2015 BCME award. Applicants were required to complete a detailed survey about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support and community programs.

In its 16th year, BCME recognizes school districts that have demonstrated exceptional efforts toward maintaining music education as part of schools’ core curriculum. The designation is an important part of the NAMM Foundation’s efforts to advocate for school-based music education. Numerous studies have demonstrated that learning to play music can boost other academic and social skills.
