Hope Clinic begins Sustain Hope campaign

Jul. 4, 2023

Hope Clinic’s operating budget for 2023 is just over $1 million. For many years, the clinic received 50% of its funding from Baylor Garland Hospital. However, when the Garland hospital closed in 2018, the clinic lost that funding. Thankfully, generous supporters have made it possible for the clinic to continue providing care to the underserved and uninsured.

In 2022, medical care was provided to 1,200 uninsured, low-income patients. Through 7,500 office visits, the clinic provided primary care, urgent care, mental health care, dental care and spiritual care and improved the lives of many community members.

But the need continues to grow, and the clinic needs the community’s help. The Sustain Hope Clinic campaign will run through the end of 2023. Their fundraising goal is $250,000 which will enable the clinic to provide the necessary resources to continue its ministry of improving the health of the area’s underserved and uninsured.

Please make a one-time gift to help Hope Clinic continue to change lives for the better every day.

There are challenges, but the future is bright. Please help Sustain Hope Clinic for years to come. The fundraising goal is $250,000.


Hope Clinic provides:

Spiritual Care – We will walk with you on your journey to spiritual fulfillment as we help you care for your health.

Primary Care – We provide diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, free-of-charge.

Diabetes Education – Get help on how to take care of yourself – food choices, exercise, monitoring blood sugar and medication.

Nutrition Education – Let’s talk about what works for you: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water.

Community Resources – Let’s get down to Basics – food/SNAP, cash/TANF, healthcare for your children/CHIP or Medicaid for you.

Specialist Referrals – When our physicians need a specialist to help with your healthcare, we can find the right one.

Urgent Care – Every Thursday night, the clinic is open to treat an illness or injury that does not appear life threatening but can’t wait until Friday.

Hypertension – Effective management and treatment of your hypertension requires working together with our medical care team.

Prescription Assistance (Patients Only) – Medication to maintain good health is important. We’ll help you get free or low-cost brand name medications.

History: Hope Clinic of Garland, Inc. began in 2002 as a ministry of First Baptist Garland when two church members recognized the need to provide primary healthcare to indigent and uninsured residents in Garland one night a week. Over the years the need for primary healthcare in the community increased, and in 2007 the clinic moved to a larger facility and acquired its 501 (C) (3) non-profit status. The clinic operates in a 5400 sq. ft. building in a residential area near downtown Garland, easily accessible to our patients. Beginning with one night a week in a borrowed space with an all-volunteer staff, Hope Clinic of Garland, Inc. has grown to a full-scale operation facilitating approximately 8,000 patient visits each year.
