Letter to the editor: No need for speed bumps

Jul. 5, 2018

No longer a need for speed bumps on our street as asked for a couple of years ago. The chug holes help a little, and you could tell the city of Dallas that their dog problem can be solved if they haul the biters to our street and let the DART riders run them down.


They have about cleared out our strays by running over our cats, dogs and squirrels. Old women pushing Kroger carts to the junk yard on Range Street have to be careful also. A pretty black kitten was a victim this very morning.


It’s OK. We watch as we back out our driveways because the commuters sure don’t care about us. Also, the trucks come through, ignoring the “no truck” signs.


Have a happy fourth, I will be settled in over here enjoying the fireworks.
