Letter to the editor: Traffic problem due to development

Dec. 20, 2018

Looks like another bonehead development move from the City of Garland with the new apartment complex they are building on North Garland Road. It’s not enough that there is already an elementary school, middle school, soccer fields, Hawaiian Falls Park, and a way-overcrowded church all crammed in together.


Sometimes in the summer and fall you cannot even get through those areas because of all of the cars when they are all open at the same time.  And the church traffic gets so bad that they have to have police directing traffic. And let’s not forget the supertraffic during graduation at the Event Center. You have to steer clear of the entire area for months. So why would they now want to add to the chaos with an apartment complex in the same area?


Just can’t wait for that added traffic on the two-lane roads that surround them, not to mention that they are practically on the street. And it seems to me there would have been plenty of other places to put them instead of tearing down all the trees and running off all the wildlife on North Garland and Arapaho. And then City of Garland wonders why they have an image problem – really??


Sender’s name withheld.
