Showcasing its commitment to student learning, North Garland High School recently received national recognition for an engineering-focused program. The campus is Garland ISD’s first high school to be awarded Project Lead The Way certification.
“We have seen how PLTW inspires students to think critically and problem solve,” said Principal Glenda Williams. “We are extremely proud to be PLTW certified.”
PLTW is a nonprofit organization that provides a transformative learning experience for K-12 students and teachers. PLTW Engineering empowers students to step into the role of an engineer, adopt a problem-solving mindset and make the leap from dreamers to doers. Teachers also receive high-quality professional development training that allows them to further inspire students.
“The PLTW program draws more students to engineering, math and science and gets them thinking about college and their careers,” said teacher Sean Denny. “We are ecstatic that our students are eligible for college-level recognition, which may include college credit, scholarships and admissions preference.”
To earn North Garland’s certification, Williams, along with campus and district staff, students and community members, submitted a self-assessment of the school’s implementation. A site visit from PLTW followed, including a meeting with the campus’ Partnership Team—a group comprised of staff, business and industry professionals, post-secondary representatives and other community members who actively support the PLTW program within a school.
“Congratulations to North Garland, and thank you for your commitment to students,” said PLTW President and CEO Vince Bertram. “We look forward to continuing to work together to prepare students to thrive in our evolving world.”
North Garland is the second GISD campus to receive this distinction. Jackson Technology Center for Math & Science is a fellow honoree.
Information provided by Garland ISD.