Police officer buys backpacks for students

Aug. 12, 2018

A Garland Police officer purchased and donated 72 backpacks for local students, ensuring they return to school prepared and ready to succeed.


Police Officer Tony Allen previously worked for the Garland Police Department before leaving to become a high school teacher. He returned to the force earlier this summer because he missed working with the entire community. He is back on the street serving and protecting our city.


“As a public school teacher, I found that the number one reason that some students weren’t successful was that they were not prepared,” Officer Allen told NBC5.


Officer Allen and his wife, who is a school teacher, purchased all of the backpacks and supplies with their own money. Next year, Officer Allen hopes to double the size of the backpack giveaway.


See more on the Police Department’s Facebook page.


Information and photo provided by city of Garland.

