Sidewalk repair incentive program

Jul. 20, 2020

The city of Garland has upped the incentive for homeowners to fix deteriorating sidewalks. Garland offers three new reductions to supplement its established 50-50 share of sidewalk reconstruction costs. A property owner who qualifies in all three categories may now bear as little as 10 percent of the cost of fixing their sidewalk.


In addition to the 50% match, the following reductions in cost may now apply:


  • An extra 15% if the property has a homestead exemption through Dallas County records
  • An extra 15% if the address is in a Community Development Block Grant area as marked by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • An extra 10% if the property owner is disabled according to Social Security Administration records or is age 65 or older


If you have questions about the matching grant program, call 972-205-2930. City staff will then determine what work is eligible and the estimated cost.


It is the property owner’s responsibility, per City ordinance, to keep sidewalks in safe condition. Unsafe conditions include more than two inches of elevation difference between adjacent sections of sidewalks, cracks of two inches or more and sunken portions that create excessive ponding of water. Property owners are generally not responsible for sidewalks along streets of four or more lanes.


Information provided by the city of Garland.
