Spring Creek activity schedule

Oct. 7, 2020

The Spring Creek Forest Preservation Society list of activities from now through the end of the year is below. There are numerous fun and informative choices!


Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7 p.m. – Zoom meeting presentation by JoAnn Hollingsworth

JoAnn will explain how to “Leave No Trace.” She urges people to “venture down the path of really becoming aware of your surroundings, of building the skills that will allow you to leave no trace on the land….” Zoom logon information:


  • Go to the free Zoom site or put this address in your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4207677728
  • Click on “Join a Meeting”
  • Put in Meeting ID: 420 767 7728
  • Click “Join”


Monthly Work Session – Saturday, Oct. 10 – 1770 Holford Road. – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
No problem staying 6 feet apart – plenty of space. It will make you feel like a new person to get out in nature and help the preserve. Face masks required, at least at check-in. After that, if you have enough space, you can remove mask. We will break into teams and do multiple projects in our upper meadow, cleaning out woody plants that want to take over this great prairie remnant. Each team will have a knowledgeable volunteer so participants know what plants to remove  Some of the work is easy – picking up trash. Why do some people find that so hard to do?


4th Sunday Nature Walk – Sunday, Oct. 25, 2 – 3:30 p.m. – 1787 Holford Road
David Parrish will lead participants through the prairie, into the forest and on to the creek edge.


Bird Walks with Reba Collins – Saturday, Nov. 28, and Sunday, Nov. 29, 8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. at 1787 Holford Road


What birds are in the Spring Creek Forest Preserve in late fall? Join us and find out. Reservations required. Limited to 10 people per walk. Contact Reba at rcollins20@verizon.net to reserve a spot. Masks required. Must social distance. Bring binoculars. Dress for the weather. If it has been raining, rain boots may be appropriate.

Monthly Public Speaker Series: – Interesting speakers lined up! Meeting is usually on the first Tuesday of the month from September to April, 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Location to be announced.


Tuesday, Nov. 3 – Gwen Eishen – Native Life Cycles. Eishen’s presentation will explore the diversity and interdependence of native species, especially in relation to oak trees. She who grew up in Duncanville and South Dallas and is pursuing a Master of Wildlife Conservation degree from Texas A &M – Commerce, specializing in urban wildlife. Since 2012, she has worked as an outdoor educator for many local natural resource organizations. She is currently an educator for the Texas Wildlife Association for the DFW area, an ambitious gardener, animal rescuer, hiker and Texas Master Naturalist.


Tuesday, Dec. 1 – Spring Creek Forest Preservation Society Holiday Party (Fingers crossed!)


Christmas is for the Birds – Saturday, Dec. 5, at 10 a.m. – 11:30 p.m., 1787 Holford


A fun event for pre-school or elementary school children. They will make biodegradable bird feeders out of peanut butter and bird seed then hang the feeders in the forest.

Monthly Work Sessions – Saturday, Nov. 7 – Always check Facebook page for last-minute changes.

December – date TBA


Safety Materials: Work sessions begin with a safety briefing. BRING WATER. Always wear heavy work gloves, long pants, protective eyewear and sturdy shoes (no sandals) for protection from poison ivy and thorns.  If possible, bring loppers and/or small tree saws. Participants and parents of minors must sign Liability Waiver.  Minors 16 and younger must be accompanied by adult. For Master Naturalists, this counts as Volunteer Hours on the Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest project.


4th Sunday Nature Walks – 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Locations vary – Sunday, Nov. 22, and Sunday, Dec. 27, Stephanie Hanson – Collections from the Field to lead Dec. 27 walk.




  • For a fun walk on your own, try the Self-Guided Interpretive Trail at 1787 Holford Road. It was created by the North Texas Master Naturalist Dallas chapter. Follow trail markers and read about the significance of the area on your iPhone or on the downloadable flyer.  https://springcreekforest.org/interpretive-1787-holford-rd/



  • To subscribe to monthly email, contact:  Barbara_Baynham2005@yahoo.com
  • To make a donation that helps offer public lectures, conduct habitat management workdays and offer public nature walks. Mail tax-deductible donation to Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest, Attn:  Treasurer, P.O. Box 450176, Garland, TX 75045-0176


  • For last-minute information, check Facebook or the website for updates, including dates and locations which may change because of conditions. If the weather is questionable, check the website or Facebook to see if the group will meet.
