Spring Creek Forest Preserve announces activities

Sep. 16, 2018

The Garland Parks and Recreation Department is installing a concrete walking trail from North Garland Road along the upper rim of the preserve to Naaman Forest High School. This is part of a goal to link all greenbelts in Dallas County and beyond with a system of walking and biking trails. Bikes should stay on concrete and are not allowed on natural dirt trails in Spring Creek Preserve because they damage the ecological balance.


The society by-laws are currently being updated. In the next couple of months current members will receive a copy of the proposed changes and the organization will announce when a vote will be taken on the changes. To vote, be sure membership is current. There is a membership form on website or email treasurer Marvin Rogers, mwrkit@att.net.


Public speaker series


The public speaker series is usually on first Tuesday of the month, September-April, 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at North Garland Branch Library, 3845 North Garland Avenue. Email suggestions for topics and speakers to Jennifer Kolmes at jkolmes@gmail.com.


Sept. 11: Mike Masser, Aquatic Invasive Species in Texas & Their Impacts

Oct. 2: Judy Aschner, Gardening for Insect Diversity orGardening for Pollinators

Nov. 6: Anne Weary, Recent History of the Spring Creek Forest Preserve Area

Jan. 8, 2019 (2nd Tuesday): John Randall Bow, The Texas Native Seed Program

Feb. 5, 2019: Lisa Dolliver, Land Snails of North Texas

March 5, 2019: Gayle Souterland, Texas Tough Herbs

April 2, 2019: John Watts, The Rise of the Arthropods


Field trips/workshops


Oct. 7, 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Tree Identification using a dichotomous key, 1770 Holford Road, Garland. RSVP is appreciated.  Contacts/questions/RSVPs, email David Parrish at dparrish1953@yahoo.com or Anne Curtin at anne.curtin@yahoo.com.


Nov. 24, 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 am – Bird Walk led by certified Master Birder, Reba Collins, 1787 Holford Road, Garland. Come for a walk and find out what birds are in Spring Creek Forest in late fall. Dress for weather. Wear comfortable shoes. Bring binoculars.


Dec. 1, 10 a.m. – noon – Christmas for the Birds, crafts for kids, 1787 Holford Road.


Jan. 26, 2019, 8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Bird Walk, led by certified Master Birder, Reba Collins, 1787 Holford Road, Garland. Come for a walk to learn what birds winter in Spring Creek Forest and learn to identify them. Dress for weather. Wear comfortable shoes.


Feb. 23, 2019, time TBD – Trout Lily Walk, 1770 Holford Road.


There is also self-guided interpretive trail. For info, visit https://springcreekforest.org/interpretive-1787-holford-rd/. Watch website for other seasonal walks to be announced throughout the year. https://springcreekforest.org.


Service, volunteer opportunities


Work sessions – One Saturday each month, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Check website for details.

Upcoming dates are 2018- Oct. 6, Nov. 10. 2019- Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 9, Apr. 6, May 4 (picnic).


Work sessions begin with safety briefing. Wear work gloves, long pants, protective eyewear and sturdy shoes (no sandals) for your protection from poison ivy and thorns. Participants, or parents of minors, must sign liability waiver.  All minors 16 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.


Donations from the community help volunteers from Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest offer public lectures, conduct habitat management workdays and offer nature walks. Mail tax-deductible donation to Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest, Attn:  Marvin Rogers, P.O. Box 450176, Garland, Texas 75045-0176.


Executive committee meetings


Executive committee meetings are usually on third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are open to public. For location contact Maureen Bly, society president – 972-814-0902 or mbly08@gmail.com.


To subscribe to monthly email Barbara_Baynham2005@yahoo.com.
