Spring Creek Preserve announces full schedule

Aug. 7, 2024

Spring Creek Forest Preserve has announced a full schedule of activities for September through the end of 2023.

New Outreach Materials – Thanks to a grant from the North Texas Master Naturalists, the society has a new logo and outreach materials. Thanks to Reba Collins who led the team that created these items.creek
creek(Both photos by Matthew Stepanek.)

An Evening with Moths was a fun evening – It was great to have Sam Kieschnick, Texas Parks and Wildlife Urban Wildlife Biologist help kick off Moth Week July 20. There were over a dozen light-sheet stations from the parking lot down the concrete trail toward the creek.

Over 100 folks participated, and more than 1,500 observations were posted to iNaturalist. Visit https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2024-07-20&place_id=any&project_id=spring-creek-forest-preserve-garland-tx&verifiable=any&view=species. The biggest fun was finding Texas Brown Tarantulas all around the parking lot, and 35 observations of this were posted to iNaturalist. One copperhead arrived and caused some excitement. And there were moths and other insects. Sam is the Piped Piper for kids as he leads visitors around the moth stations. (Photos by Matthew Stepanek, Vance Hale)


We’re on break because of the heat. There are no speaker Series events and no 4th Sunday Walks. The only work sessions are for a few valiant souls who volunteer for Dana’s work team. To be on the e-mail list to be notified about these work activities, email Dana Wilson (danawilson59@yahoo.com).

SEPTEMBER – Spring Creek Forest Preserve activities

North Texas Giving Day – We’re enrolled. The site is open Sept. 1 – Sept. 19. – Please consider donating. The Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest is an all-volunteer group dedicated to protecting and maintaining the forest and the preserve. Spring Creek Forest and Park Preserve is a biologically diverse 230-acre oak forest and prairie with natural and concrete trails, native plants and animals. The society plans guest speakers, guided walks, monthly work sessions and more.

Speaker Series

Tyler Hedlund – What Makes a Tick Tick? – Tuesday, Sept. 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – Zoom
Join Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89187002517?pwd=Ujc1UTEyVjNNbDhUUFJYMjFCV2lNdz09 – Meeting ID: 891 8700 2517 – Passcode: 212786

creekBeware of ticks while walking across the preserve’s prairie or through the forest! They are eight-legged arachnids that are more closely related to spiders than insects. Ticks are commonly encountered in fields or wooded areas, especially along the edges between forest and open areas. Except for the brown dog tick, they are not generally seen in urban sites. They can transmit several serious, difficult to diagnose diseases. Don’t let ticks keep you indoors but be aware and don’t ignore them. Tyler has a master’s degree in Entomology from the University of Illinois where he worked on ticks and tick-borne diseases. (Male Gulf Coast Tick photo by Mike Quinn)

2nd Saturday Work Session – Saturday, Sept. 14 – 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. – 1787 Holford Road

For last-minute information, especially if the weather is questionable, check the website or Facebook page for updates. No one should work in the forest or on the prairie if there is a chance of lightning. Each work session begins with a safety briefing.

  • Bring water and bug repellant.
  • Close-toed shoes are mandatory. Heavy work gloves, long pants and protective eyewear are recommended for protection from thorns and poison ivy.
  • If you have them, bring loppers and/or small tree saws (no power tools).
  • All participants and the parents of minors must sign our Liability Waiver.
  • Youth under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. No drop off and pickup of those under 18.
  • This may count as volunteer hours for master naturalists.

4th Sunday Nature Walk – Nature Trek: Families in the Forest – Sunday, Sept. 22 – 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – 1770 Holford Road

Master Naturalists Jennifer Stuart and Aleena Figueroa will lead us. They have extensive experience guiding young folks and families into the forest to find interesting things. Children of all ages with their parents or caregivers can enjoy this adventure. They are encouraged to explore and practice “leave no trace” principles. Young participants will take the lead and adults will support inquiry and guide discussion.

Aleena Figueroa is a science teacher, girl scout leader and North Texas Master Naturalist volunteer. She is passionate about youth education and encourages kids to engage all their senses through child-led inquiry and open play. Jennifer Stuart operates Seedschool – an outdoor school and homeschool support. She is an avid gardener and knitter and volunteer.

Special Event – Matthew Stepanek – A Photo Trek Through Nature’s Gallery – Sunday, Sept. 29 – 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – 1770 Holford Road

Matt will start at the pavilion, answering basic questions. Then the group will go into the forest for hands-on experience and tips for nature shots. Bring a camera, if possible, DSLR/full lens cameras would be preferred, but cell phones will work as well. Long pants and sturdy shoes recommended. Matt will discuss a number of topics. Matt is acreek DFW nature and wildlife photographer and acting member of the North Texas Master Naturalist chapter photography committee. He recently photographed this rarely seen spider at 1787 Holford. The spider, Pardosa deliculata, has only 40 observations in Texas. (Photo by Matthew Stepanek)

Speaker series:

Interesting speakers are lined up. –  Usually the first Tuesday of the month from September to April7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – currently meeting via Zoom call.

Tuesday, Oct. 1 – Nancy Wilson – Bring Spring Creek Home: Native Plants at the Preserve that can work in Your Yard

Tuesday, Nov. 5 – TBA

Work Sessions – 9 a.m.– 11 a.m. – Location varies with work that needs to be done. Check monthly announcements, website or FB for full details.

Saturday, Oct. 12 – 1770 Holford. Trail and little Prairie maintenance
Saturday, Nov. 9 – Halff Park at Ranger Drive. Clear ragweed and trail maintenance.
Saturday, Dec. 14 – 1770 Holford. Clear invasive Amur honeysuckle and trail maintenance

4th Sunday Nature Walks – 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Locations vary. Check the latest announcements.

Sunday, Oct. 27 – Dana Wilson – Native Plants at the Preserve that work in Your Yard

Sunday, Nov. 24 – TBA

For a fun walk on your own, try the Self-Guided Interpretive Trail at 1787 Holford Road. Follow the trail markers and read about the significance of the area on your iPhone or on the downloadable flyer. https://springcreekforest.org/interpretive-1787-holford-rd/

Fall Special Events

Saturday, Nov. 30 and Sunday, Dec. 1: Bird Walks with Reba Collins, Certified Master Birder. Reba will lead two walks across the prairie to look for winter birds.

Tuesday, Dec. 3: Holiday Party for Society Members

Saturday, Dec. 7: 14th Annual Christmas is for the Birds. Our wonderful (although messy) event for kids preschool through elementary school age.

Become a member or donate – The only means of financial support is through memberships and donations. Donations help the all-volunteer Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest offer interesting activities. Pay for membership or donation online or use credit or debit cards or PayPal. You can also download a membership form and send a check. Visit springcreekforest.org.

Monthly Announcements – To subscribe, email Barbara_Baynham2005@yahoo.com.

Dog Policy – On-leash dogs are welcome in our preserve, but it is illegal to have off-leash pets in Garland parks. Call 972-205-3570, option 1 to report off-leash animals. Also, please deposit pet waste bags in the trash bins in each parking lot. Do not leave bagged pet waste beside the trail.
