Tiny Trekkers experience nature

May. 16, 2018

On Friday, May 11, 28 preschoolers armed with butterfly nets invaded the western part of Spring Creek Forest Preserve.  It was the annual insect trek for the Tiny Trekkers, a program of the North Texas Master Naturalists. Tiny Trekkers is a preschool hiking group led by certified Master Naturalists for children from birth to age five with an occasional older sibling tagging along. They take monthly themed nature walks in area parks.


This is the fourth year Spring Creek Forest Preserve has been chosen for the insect walk because Garland Parks allows native wildflowers to flourish in their huge meadow. For about a half hour, the children and their parents roamed the meadow swinging their nets in hopes of catching something.  And they were not disappointed!  Their treasures were brought to the picnic tables for everyone to have a look. After snacks and story time, the kids held a grand insect release.


The weather was perfect and the kids caught more butterflies than ever before!


If this sounds like something fun for your children or grandchildren, you can go to the Master Naturalist website (NTMN.org)  or email contact@ntmn.org to request information about the Tiny Trekker program.  Someone will get in touch to let you know how to register your child as a Tiny Trekker.trekkers


About: Tiny Trekkers provides free, guided nature hikes in area parks for children and their parents. The goal of the project is to provide stay-at-home parents a way to introduce their children to the wonders of our local ecology in a safe, kid-friendly environment. Tiny Trekker volunteers enjoy the opportunity to plant the seeds of a lifelong interest in nature in the minds of children while also demonstrating to the parents the methods of teaching children about the world around them.


The hikes occur at parks around the DFW area during the workweek, Monday-Friday, during the day. Volunteers lead hikes, collect educational materials, advertise for the hikes and provide expertise on area parks.


Information and photos provided by Sandy Stinson, Tiny Trekkers project leader. Photos also provided by Kimie Pruessner.
